After two years of searching and researching how to start an online business and make money, I am here to tell you it can be done. Contrary to what most people will tell you it is not easy, it takes a lot of work to get started, but once that is done it does get easier. It is like learning any other skill in life it takes time. Do not let this put you off, because it can be extremely rewarding, both financially, and spiritually.

Just one more point that may be putting you off starting your online business ie: The Internet is getting old if you do not have an online business by now it’s far too late to start, You have Missed the Boat!
Rubbish! Rubbish! The internet is in it’s early infancy. Did you know? Web traffic “doubles every 100 days” and this will increase greatly over the coming years!
Now is the perfect time to jump on board and get your share! You can start by becoming an affiliate marketer and promote other peoples products for a commission. This being the far easier solution when not having your own product. The main advantage with this being once website is published, promotion can begin immediately, once you have chosen the products to promote as an affiliate. Probably the best source for affiliate products is which covers every conceivable market and niche.
As an affiliate marketer you must choose a niche in whatever market you decide to concentrate your efforts on, to make money online. Niche means a specific sector of a bigger market eg: health market niche – weight loss – health cures etc; once you have decided on the niche you can then chose a domain name which will be relevant to your niche eg: Health Cures – . An excellent site for your domain name is “” ( cost approx $9 ). You can experiment with names and see what is available.
Next you will need a Hosting Company who will look after your domain and publish it to the web with their servers. Cost anywhere from free, if your lucky, up to $25 per month. You do not need anything fancy just basic hosting at this stage.
Now all you need to succeed is a one page website, and to create one you will need some simple web skills, and to know how a website works.
Your simple web skills must include: create web pages at will, make changes to existing web pages, create links to other pages, and know how to publish to the web. A one page website is all that you will need to make $250/$300 a day online.
NECESSITIES for building website are: a Web Editor “KOMPOZER” is an excellent one to start off with. This is where you will create your web page, ready for uploading to your hosting company. At this stage I would suggest that some form of web skills coaching is required, whether it be from Ebooks, or from “How to” video’s. Your site must look attractive, be informative, and encourage people to read the content.
Once your web pages are ready, you require a piece of software to transfer them to your hosting company. This is called a File Tansfer Protocol client, or FTP in short. “FILEZILLA” is a good one and it is free.
You now have your own website with the content to start on the road to your first earnings online.
Well not quite you now need to attract people to your site, Marketing your that is for another article coming soon.
I cannot stress enough how important it is to have a Top Rate Website – Remember this is YOUR SHOP FRONT to the World Wide Web!
Being taught the skills above by a competent, reliable, informative, patient tutor, somebody who has been in a similar position to you are, starting an online business is the best possible solution!
I hope you have found this article informative and a help to you starting an online business.
” To Your Success – Learn to Earn “